In Magic Without Tears, page 34 (Chapter IV): Crowley answers a letter of a student on the topic of the correspondences of the Qabbalah.
"("How many sets of attributions?"—Well, certainly, the Hebrew and Greek Alphabets
with the names and numbers of each letter, and its mean- ing: a couple of lists of Godnames,
with a clear idea of the character, qualities, functions, and importance of each; the
"King-scale" of colour, all the Tarot attributions, of course; then animals, plants, drugs,
per- fumes, a list or two of archangels, angels, intelligences and spirits—that ought to be
enough for a start.)
Now you are armed!"
Further, on the next page, Crowley goes on:
"You must construct your own Qabalah!
Nobody can do it for you. What is your own true Number? You must find it and prove it
to be correct. In the course of a few years, you should have built yourself a Palace of
Ineffable Glory, a Garden of Indescribable Delight. Nor Time nor Fate can tame those
tranquil towers, those Minarets of Music, or fade one blossom in those avenues of
I really connect with this idea.
When I first entered the worlds of occult orders - I came to a Golden Dawn society (based on the orriginal HOGD), but referred to as EOGD. There they presented a wonderous work of study - but it wasn't to be deviated. It wasn't to be changed.
Later, in my own personal studies, I came across a personal mentor for a time (Athena of who relayed the importance of making our own correspondences. Crowley starts the student off on a set of known correspondences - but then seems to suggest at some ponit the student will need to discover themselves - via their own set of correspondences. Their Own Qabbalah as it were.
This has been my own personal belief and I enjoy seeing it reflected more elequent then I could possibly state it.
As to why one would even attempt to write their own Qabbalah, Crowley posits:
"why should you do all over again the work that I have already done for you? Reason: simple.
Doing it will teach you Qabalah as nothing else could. Besides, you won't be all cluttered
up with words that mean nothing to you;"
Beyond that, I personally believe that magick speaks to us differently - each to his own. Your perception of the world is different then mine. This is how one man can attribute Fire in the East, and another Fire to the South - and both get results of equal merrit. But if one attributes Fire to the South - when their own inner machinery will's it to the East - the result isn't as strong. To sum: To find and obey the Will of one's self in regards to magick correspondences will be most effective as it deals with your machinery to the core.
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