Raja Yoga Passage (Sun Energy and Body Limitations)

I found this passage from Raja Yoga (by Vivekananda) quite interesting:

"....Physiologically, the eating of food means assimilation of energy from the sun. The energy first enters the plant, the plant is eaten by an animal, and the animal by a man. This means, in the language of science, that we take an amount of energy from the sun and make it part of ourselves. If that be so, why should there be only one way of assimilating energy? The plant's way is not the same as ours; the earth's process of assimilating energy differs from our own. But all assimilate energy in some way or other. The yogis contend that they are able to assimilate energy by the power of the mind alone, that they can draw in as much of it as they desire without recourse to the ordinary methods. As a spider makes its web out of its own substance, and becomes bound by it, and cannot go anywhere except along the lines of that web, so we have projected out of the material of our bodies this network called the nerves, and now we cannot work except through the channels of those nerves. The yogis say that we need not be bound by them."

I suppose what I find fascinating is Vivekananda's reference to beings feeding from the Sun. The second aspect I find interesting, is Vivekananda's idea on the body being an artificial barrier of the self.

From my Mahayana past, I came to terms that the body is not the self. This, in agreement, makes an interesting analogy that the body is to a person's self as a web is to the spider. But to recognize the body as the self, limits the person. For we are not bound by the body, and should seek to understand that.

My moving outside the body - one realizes the spiritual nature of life. That it isnt only mundane shells and meat bodies. It is here, outside the shell, that the true self can be realized.

Regarding the Sun, it's an interesting and perhaps auspicious reference to the modern occultist. To some, it might be a reference to the Qabbalistic concept of Tipheret. To others, it might be more linked to the Square of the Sun - whose numbers sum to an interesting number that is often feared, or reveared.

Is it coincidence that the Thelemic reference to "93" also correspondes to 93 million miles from the Earth to the Sun? Or is that evidence of a truth?

How important is the Sun to the occultist of today? If important, then the passage above would indicate methods of drinking the energy of the Sun, that are non corpreal in nature.


  Son of the Light

January 13, 2009 at 4:03 PM

Excellent post! I noticed you mentioned one of my favorite Freemasons, Vivekananda.

  Son of the Light

January 14, 2009 at 4:54 PM

I love the idea of the Sun as a symbol. It has been said that many centuries ago when first humans that accessed higher states of consciousness they knew of no words to explain the “Unity Principle” (or God if you like), hence, they decided to use the Sun as the ultimate symbol. (What better symbol could they find?)
The problem arose when those of little understanding actually confused the symbol of the Sun with the real Sun. (after all, how does one explain the unexplainable, for instance enlightenment, realization, etc.)