An excerpt from Liber PORTA LVCIS

An excerpt from Liber PORTA LVCIS:

"19. To you who yet wander in the Court of the Profane we cannot yet reveal all; but you will easily understand that the religions of the world are but symbols and veils of the Absolute Truth. So also are the philosophies. To the adept, seeing all these things from above, there seems nothing to choose between Buddha and Mohammed, between Atheism and Theism.

20. The many change and pass; the one remains. Even as wood and coal and iron burn up together in one great flame, if only that furnace be of transcendent heat; so in the alembic of this spiritual alchemy, if only the zelator blow sufficiently upon his furnace all the systems of earth are consumed in the One Knowledge.

21. Nevertheless, as a fire cannot be started with iron alone, in the beginning one system may be suited for one seeker, another for another."

This rings true for me. Although I could see how some might take offense to it. I first got this idea, when after years and years of growing up in the home of a minister... one day, well into my adulthood, I walked from Christianity and stood in a Buddhist Temple. I felt there, the same peace, I had sometimes felt in the Christian surroundings at church. In that moment I came to believe that perhaps all religions are linking back to the same source.